12th Foundation day of PLUS APPROACH

  • May 9, 2022

[rev_slider alias=”newsletter”][/rev_slider]nn nn nnPOSITIVITY AMBASSADORnnPLUS APPROACH FOUNDATION has successfully completed 11 years in bringing positive transformation in the society and is celebrating 12th foundation day since its establishment on 9th May 2011. Foundation has endeavored to develop a Positive Eco-System, Positive Thinking & Positive Actions, to have Progress, Prosperity, and Peace.nnThe Foundation’s programs and projects are aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the United Nations. We believe that these SDGs could be achieved only by changing the individual’s mindset (Named SDG-0 i.e. Process of thinking positive) by positive affirmations enabling one to align with the Goals of the Nation and the United Nations.nnConsidering the above, Foundation has taken the initiative to transform people’s perspective toward their thinking as “PosiTivity Development Goal (PDG)”, a vital enabler to achieve SDGs. So far, PAF has achieved the transformation of around 1000 lives through its effort.nnIn alignment of the PDG, we are pleased to invite nominations from you all for “Positive Ambassador” with following key reinforcement actions to Be Positive & Successful.nn                                                “Disseminate Positivity around you”nnAll the Positivity Ambassadors will be felicitated with a certificate of “Positive Ambassador” in our annual program namely PEAK-2022 sometime in October-December 22. Please disseminate positivity in your friend circle & through social media for developing more Positive Ambassadors and enroll them through Plus Approach Foundation at response@plusapproach.co.in


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