Plus Approach Foundation (PAF) is a non-profit organization established under the Laws of India, with charitable status under a "Deed of Trust" on 9th of May, 2011. The donations to the trust are exempted from tax under section 80 G of the Income Tax Act, 1961. The Foundation is also registered as a CSR implementing organization with the Ministry of Corporate Affairs. Since its establishment, the Foundation has endeavored to develop a Positive Eco-System, Positive Thinking & Positive Actions, to have Progress, Prosperity, and Peace to Make Everyone Successful & Happy (MESH).
Plus Approach Foundation is established as a step towards reaching the weaker section of the society and supporting them by way of providing education, health care facilities and most importantly disseminating the power of positive thinking and therefore, helping significantly in overall development and affirm social sustainability.
‘सर्व शिक्षा, सर्व ऊर्जा, सर्व सकारात्मक सोच’
With the vision to seek and spread positivity all around, Plus Approach Foundation (PAF) has been established and is steadfastly reaching the weaker sections of the society and providing them free education and health care facilities. Plus Approach Foundation is an organization registered in Delhi, under the Laws of India, with charitable status pursuant to a “Deed of Trust” on 9th of May, 2011, vide Registration Act 1882. The trust was granted a certificate under section 80 G (5) (vi) of the Income Tax Act, 1961 as per the order of DIT Exemption, Delhi, vide reference NQ.DIT (E) I2012-13/ DEL-PE23827 – 25042012 dated 25/04/2012 for the period till rescinded.
PAF provides the wings to the poor students, who want some support to reach their true heights, by means of free residential coaching for engineering, medical and civil services entrance exams. Also, offering medical care facilities to those who can’t afford it is one of the core activities of the Foundation. For a substantial socio-economic growth it is very important to ensure quality education and health to all. Therefore, offering medical care facilities and wherewithal to those who can’t afford it is one of the core activities of the Foundation. Other activities of PAF include spreading awareness towards environmental sustainability by conserving energy and resources.